Thursday, April 30, 2009

Week 6 Day 5

'Gir' from

Zim: Come, GIR. Let us rain some doom down upon the heads of our doomed enemies.
Gir: I'm gonna sing the Doom Song now.
Gir: [singing] Doom doom doom...

Monday, April 27, 2009

Week 6 Day 2

L2TD 4: Social Networking

Social networking is something that I am fairly good with as I have helped with training sessions before (I know MySpace and Face Book)

Face Book I found useful for finding out what people are up to, I found lots of school friends and got to see who was married, who was studying, who was traveling and how people had changed. I don't really use it to keep in contact with people, but it is useful for sharing your information (photos etc)

MySpace is quite similar, but aimed more at teenagers. I found it harder to use and eventually closed the account when I have finished helping with the training sessions.

I know plenty of people that use Face Book (and other social networking sites) to keep in contact with people overseas and to share events to a wide audience. Also I know several of people that are using it to help their business by promoting events, promotions, new products etc. (1 example being Pizza Capers)

I also recently began to follow my favorite TV show on Face Book, each week they put up a short video preview and sneak-peak photos of the next episode.
I think that social networking has an important role in our future as more and more information is organized digitally online.


I took Penny to a Beach at Bribie on the weekend. She had a great time being off lead (I was worried she would run off but she didn't go more then 20m before running back).She only went a few inches into the water, but really enjoyed running on the sand (will post Photos later)

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Week 5 Day 4

L2TD 3 : wikis

I knew about wikis like wikipedia and work-wikis, but I never considered using them for personal use. After watching the wiki video I was surprised to see how useful it could be for planning events with lots of people. I might try using it for the next big outing, and maybe (just maybe) might try it out at Christmas for organizing the big full-family lunch!

Something I have always been aware of was that websites like wikipedia are peer created and edited, but I never quite believed that would be so easy to add info. As suggested I looked up my local area and I simply clicked on edit, updated the name of the council (we are not part of the Moreton bay regional council).

I was also amazed to find wikis on a mixture of subjects (like Wookieepedia - Star wars and ThePetWiki - a new pet-info wiki) I guess the more people interested in a subject the more input there is.

For now I am going to explore using wikis for personal use. Will report back with how that goes.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Week 4 Day 4

Week 4 and I am still blogging... true I am not posting often, but I am still here.

Poodle and Co. are booked in too be clipped before it gets too cold. I always take them to 'Shear Designz' at Petrie. They are a little more expensive then other groomers in the area, but I think it is worth paying a little extra when they do such a good job ofclipping Penny the poodle. The groomers all own/show/breed poodles so they know how to clip a poode to make it look its best. They do an excelent job of other breeds as well, I think they are the groomers on the North Side...

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Week 3 Day 4

L2TD test #2

my mission was to find an image and to post it in my blog, easy! I did a little searching and found this creation... Now finding the Photo was easy, lets see how I go posting it using a URL link...

30 seconds later...

Okay, URL linking only appears works if it is a direct link to the image. I think I will have to save the image and then load it up again. Lets see if this works now....

Well it looks like I need to save and upload images when they are from a website like flicker...

However, if I GoogleImage search
I can upload using a URL link...
*These images do not belong to me